What we Doo

Step One: SCOOP
We use a rake method that allows us to thoroughly remove the waste from the grass as well as dirt, bark or gravel. We walk the entire yard or the areas a client requests in a grid like pattern to ensure all waste is collected. If you have cement areas, patios or decks, we will do our best to collect what we can and will then treat the residual and spray the area down with a hose if provided.

We dispose of waste per the Standards set by the the Washington State Department of Ecology, the waste is double bagged and placed in your garbage can. We "doo" take it a step further and treat the waste with our AG Odor product that is a natural disinfectant and deodorant, of which helps break down the waste and reduce the odor.

Step Three: CLEAN
To avoid cross contamination, and to keep things clean and sanitary, we treat and spray off all of our tools and shoes after every job. We have unique to us wash down systems on every truck that have high enough PSI to remove any residual waste so everything is clean and ready for the next yard.